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Become a Professional Python Programmer

Become a Professional Python Programmer
Learn all the important skills Python programmers need to get all the best programming jobs
What you'll learn
  • Understand and implement basic Python code
  • Create and run a real-world Python program
  • Access and parse the web with Python
  • Manage a database and remote server
  • Run code via a VPS
  • Create a website with Python
  • Visualize multiple forms of both 2D and 3D graphs, like line graphs, scatter plots, bar charts, and more
  • Load data from files or from internet sources for data visualization.
  • Load data from files or from internet sources for data visualization
  • Customize graphs, modifying colors, lines, fonts, and more
  • Visualize Geographical data on maps
  • Input and output data from a variety of data types
  • Visualize,combine and manipulate dataset
  • Develop in the real world using Python Django
  • Create Django web applications to solve a multitude of problems or needs
Author: Stone River eLearning

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