Data Science: Supervised Machine Learning in Python
Full Guide to Implementing Classic Machine Learning Algorithms in Python and with Sci-Kit Learn
What you'll learn
- Understand and implement K-Nearest Neighbors in Python
- Understand the limitations of KNN
- User KNN to solve several binary and multiclass classification problems
- Understand and implement Naive Bayes and General Bayes Classifiers in Python
- Understand the limitations of Bayes Classifiers
- Understand and implement a Decision Tree in Python
- Understand and implement the Perceptron in Python
- Understand the limitations of the Perceptron
- Understand hyperparameters and how to apply cross-validation
- Understand the concepts of feature extraction and feature selection
- Understand the pros and cons between classic machine learning methods and deep learning
- Use Sci-Kit Learn
- Implement a machine learning web service
Author: Lazy Programmer Inc.
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