Spark and Python for Big Data with PySpark
- Use Python and Spark together to analyze Big Data
- Learn how to use the new Spark 2.0 DataFrame Syntax
- Work on Consulting Projects that mimic real world situations!
- Classify Customer Churn with Logisitic Regression
- Use Spark with Random Forests for Classification
- Learn how to use Spark's Gradient Boosted Trees
- Use Spark's MLlib to create Powerful Machine Learning Models
- Learn about the DataBricks Platform!
- Get set up on Amazon Web Services EC2 for Big Data Analysis
- Learn how to use AWS Elastic MapReduce Service!
- Learn how to leverage the power of Linux with a Spark Environment!
- Create a Spam filter using Spark and Natural Language Processing!
- Use Spark Streaming to Analyze Tweets in Real Time!
Author: Jose Portilla
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